Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017

How his pace so that the weight and the Height of the child Normal?

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How his pace so that the weight and the Height of the child Normal?


Jakarta, doc, why my son slow once its growth. The number one age of 4 years old. It weighs 14, 5 kg and height 97 cm as well as the number two 2 years of age. weighs 10 kg and height is 85 cm. What is the impact of genetics, due to the height of 160 cm husband and both of us are both the same not fat. How the stride so that my kids can grow the same age appropriate? Thanks a lot for the description of the doctor. Triana (married women, 27 Th), annaummufadhil @ yahoo. comTinggi 158 cm Body and body weight 46 kg. JawabanTerimaksih's mother, someone's Child Development dependent aspects of family and environmental aspects to the high potential of the body. If diliat from the data that the mother must give a higher body, the child's mother is normal only. Children age 4 years old. an average of 2 times the height or about 97-100 cm and 2 years old. environment 83-86 cm. we can foresee high body of the son by calculating the height of the body of the mother plus Father plus 13 body height for males or reduced for children 13 women and then divided 2. The result ± 8, 5 cm. So when the mother of a man body around 157-174 cm height, if women environment 146-161 cm. high estimates of The body of the child's mother. To reach maximum height, must be getting enough nutrition, exercising regularly and not sickly. For the problem of the genetic potential of the body weight is indeed also act. When his parents were not obese, but found a fat child of parents who are thin, definitely would lead to doubts. It may just be due to the excellence of the food or the specific disease. The mother's first child age 4th. with a body weight of 14, 5 kg masihlah including normal. Ideal body weight for 4th. around 16 kg. The middle child of the 2nd at the age of 2 years old. body weight is 10 kg looks thin. The ideal weight is 2 years old. around 12 kg. Try to increase the number of meal but eat do not imposed in large quantities. Add a good bit, but often. With this pattern of body weight can be increased. Dr. Aditya Suryansyah SpARSAB Our Expectations, It Jln Let Jen. S. Parman Kav 87, Slipi, West Jakarta, Telp 5668284RSIA Fruit heart, Jln Putra Aria 399, Beautiful Sarua, Ciputat, Tel. (021) 74639229 or 74632222. (ir/ir)

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