No Disruption Of Fertility Spiral KB
Right now, there are diverse in their contraception type with an excess of semasing. One of whom intrauterine device (IUD), which is more in the know with spiral. The advantage of wearing the IUD, the exception does not need often exchanged, also comfortable, durable, and does not interfere with sexual preoccupations. Dance (39) already wearing the IUD along four th. ..
He admitted he helped the IUD, so as well as the husband in a bold family program Planning (KB). La select spiral because he's a forgetful. I've KB with the pills, but it broke too. I forgot taking birth control pills to increasingly more 1 week, says the mother of three children. Yet another narrative Sari (33), the mother of one child's new single this month wearing a IUD. IUD does not interfere with my husband as well as their fuck session. Also unnecessary complication "installed the middle of foreplay, such as condoms, he said. Feel nyamanMemang, one of the advantages of IUD in other words the spiral that is no need to drink every day. Also, even the woman can always wear IUD all ten years old. until the time of the newly converted, said Dr.
Dr. Dwiana Ocvianty OG, Sp (K) from the Faculty of medicine campus of Indonesia. IUD fitted inside the uterine cavity to referred to contraception in the womb (AKDR). The principle of work hinders the movement of sperm towards the egg. Many have suspected, step work IUD that is killing the sperm and egg cells. It's definitely not true, said Dr. Dwiana. He explains, step the right i.e. IUD work wear a natural reaction of the uterus on the foreign object. The goal, if there is a foreign object in the womb, so the uterus by means of automatic would produce a viscous fluid. The following condensed liquid that is blocking the movement of sperm towards the egg until fertilization does not take place. Awalannya IUD be spirals as well as made of plastic material. The size is so small, the neighborhood of 3 cm. Due to the very small, the user cannot feel when central air-KB.
This tool can not interfere with sexual preoccupation with a partner because its supple. Concurrent changes to the medical world, there is currently a IUD in the form of the letter T of copper overlaid. The arrangement of this Act added copper either in liquid ingintalan system for blocking the sperm. Mentioned, form T as well as the arrangement of this copper add comfortable for the wearer. At the moment haidEfektivitas IUD is not inferior when compared to other contraceptives. According to data of the National Family Planning Coordination Body, the effectiveness of the IUD can achieve 99, 4% and can be used up to ten th. .. Meaning, just a little bit of an IUD users didn't work. Despite all this, there remains aspects which can lead to a failure, for instance the problem of technical, such as the fitting of IUD yg is not right up to posisinyasalah.
It can also be from nontechnical aspects, such as the sperm that was intercepted very strong. When the sperm was intercepted so strong and able to penetrate, what could make. Medical experts also cannot do anything, he said. Therefore, the installation of the IUD should carried out by medical specialists who have experience. The installation can be done any time the origin of prospective users is not the middle of pregnancy. Many medical experts recommend the installation of a central women's menstrual time is done. His argument, so more easy installation due to cervical Central open. KontrolYang must not be forgotten that is controlling the IUD by way of periodically to the obstetrician. Most bln. After installation, the IUD should be patient checked himself. In fact, patients often forget control. Other things are no less major replace IUD when it is time. Turn of the IUD too often forgotten by the patient. Because a user has for many years, so forgotten change or pulled it out.
The good news, this state of selekasnya followed up due to the late change, if the IUD, so concerned about can cause undesirable effects, such as infection of the vagina. There is a lot of fear about the IUD masihlah consumption stood at people. The most-namely the problem of fertility problems. According to doctor Dwiana, IUD so secure as well as no change of fertility. When you want to have a child, so stay regardless of her IUD. Generally a period of one month, fertility has returned to normal, sebutnya. -Use of the IUD also has little to do with the miscarriage. Until now there are no medical records that say, the use of IUD can lead to miscarriage. It is possible that there are other aspects that lead to miscarriage. Therefore, a good idea to consult with your obstetrician, he said again. (GHS/Michael)
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